Mindplay Free Trial

Mindplay Free Trial

Mindplay’s My Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC) is sold by subscription. Subscriptions are for groups of 10 students for a set number of weeks. While 10 students are the minimum purchase, the number of weeks can be varied.  However, while shorter periods of time are cheaper, the weekly price is higher for a shorter time frame.  Contact PAA if you would like a complete price list or fill in the form for a MindPlay Free Trial

To achieve the results with MVRC that research has indicated is possible, the program has to be implemented with fidelity.  This means students need to complete 30 minutes per day for 4 or 5 days per week.  Anything less than this often leads to students becoming disengaged and progress suffers.

We understand that achieving fidelity can be challenging in many schools. This is why we offer free trials of up to four weeks duration. The purpose of such trials is as much about schools evaluating the success of their implementation strategies as it is for evaluating student progress and engagement.  PAA generally partners with schools to assist with the planning and implementation of a free trial.  Specific online training is also an option.

If you are interested in beginning a MindPlay free trial, please complete and submit the form below. One of our staff will respond within 24 hours.

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MindPlay programs have taught
millions of students to read.
MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach® (MVRC) is an effective online reading program that improves reading abilities. It permits students with diverse skills and unique needs to read with control and precision.

MindPlay’s Virtual Reading Coach has been proven to help students with a wide range of abilities. Adequate for all ages, it can serve as an online reading program for Tier 1 students and intervention for Tiers 2 and 3 students. Additionally, it can be used by students of several categories, including:

Special education
GED preparation
English Language Learners
Bilingual Education
Adult literacy programs