Memory Validity Profile mvp
For: Determine whether an examinee is providing valid test scores – for ages 5 to 21 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil; Individual
Length: Admin time: 5-7 minutes; Scoring time: 1-2 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored
Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
Printed Kits
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MVP Record Forms (pack of 25)
MVP Stimulus Book
MVP Introductory Kit
MVP/CHAMP Combination Kit
Elisabeth M.S. Sherman, PhD, and Brian L. Brooks, PhD
The MVP is the first performance validity test (PVT) specifically designed for and nationally standardised on children, adolescents and young adults, designed to detect whether an examinee is providing valid test scores.
Features and Benefits
The first stand-alone validity test specifically designed for, nationally standardised on, and validated for use with children, adolescents and young adults ages 5-21 years.
The first PVT co-normed with The Child and Adolescent Memory Profile (ChAMP), which provides comprehensive information about learning and memory and an embedded indicator of validity.
The first PVT with age-adjusted cut-off scores to minimize false positives in younger children.
No motor requirements: may be administered to youth with motor impairments and visual impairments as well as those with developmental or acquired cognitive, academic, or behavioural concerns.
Straight-forward and easy to administer.
Test structure
Consists of two 16-item subtests—Visual and Verbal. Each subtest is divided into two 8-item sets, with the second set perceived as progressively more challenging than the first.
Administration requires only the Stimulus Book and the Record Form. The Record Form contains the instructions for administering each subtest and for recording responses. The Stimulus Book contains the Visual subtest items.
The Visual subtest yields an MVP Visual score, and the Verbal subtest yields an MVP Verbal score; when combined, these scores make up the overall MVP Total score.
Technical Information
Standardised on a sample of 1,221 examinees from more than 35 states using a population-proportionate, stratified random sampling plan based on 2012 U.S. Census statistics and 198 youth with clinical diagnoses.
MVP cut-off scores were calibrated based on the state-of-the-art in PVT development, including binomial probability theory, performance in healthy youth and in clinical samples, and an invalid performance sample.
In a study conducted during development, MVP cut-off scores had 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity in detecting feigned memory impairment.
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