Speech Assessments

Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale™, Fourth Revision

What’s new in the Arizona-4 Three tests in one assessment: Word Articulation, Sentence Articulation, and Phonology All-new normative data Extension of the standardized age range to 21 years, 11 months, with guidance for describing and understanding the speech of adults of all ages Modified scoring…
Level M

Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition

Find out more about WPS Online Evaluation System Account for online testing and reporting. Author: Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD Description: What’s New in the CASL-2: All new normative data and more extensive clinical groups 14 individual tests (the original CASL’s Paragraph Comprehension test was removed) Expanded…
Level M, B

Dyscalculia/Dyslexia Screener

Dyslexia Screener, Portfolio and Guidance Dyslexia Screener is an important first stage asset to any Special Educational Needs Teacher (SENT) or Learning Support Teacher (LST) who has concerns about a student. An ideal follow-up is the Dyslexia Portfolio, an in-depth, individual assessment that provides a comprehensive…
Level M

Feifer Assessment of Mathematics

The FAM is a comprehensive assessment of mathematics designed to examine the underlying neurodevelopmental processes that support the acquisition of proficient math skills. It is unique in that it helps you identify specific sub-types of dyscalculia to help inform intervention decision making. Features and benefits…
Level B, M

My Virtual Reading Coach

Authors Nancy Mather, Ph.D; Blanche Podhajski, Ph.D; Janice Sammons, Ph.D; Marilyn D. Varricchio, M.Ed; Barbara J. Wendling, M.A. Description MindPlay®.  We teach reading. Reading is the key to learning. An inability to read leads to academic frustration in all subjects, impeding success in both educational…
Level M