Vocabulary Assessment Scales

Contact PAA today to establish a PARiConnect account for online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Rebecca Gerhardstein Nader, PhD Description An innovative new measure, the VAS-E and VAS-R present full-colour photographs to measure the breadth of an individual’s vocabulary and oral language development. A complementary...
Level B, M

Wellcomm: Revised Edition

A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years Ideal as an initial screening tool, the WellComm Toolkit provides a complete speech and language toolkit that may be used by all Early Years practitioners. With 1 in 10 children under 5 years...
Level M

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Author David A. Grant, PhD and Esta A. Berg, PhD Description Although the WCST is used primarily to assess perseveration and abstract thinking, it has gained increasing popularity as a neuropsychological instrument. It has been considered a measure of executive function because of its reported...
Level A, M

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Card Version

Author Susan K. Kongs, Laetitia L Thompson, PhD, Grant L. Iverson, PhD, Robert K. Heaton, PhD Description The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) has been widely used with many different patient groups ages 6.5 to 89 years. Recently, concerns for patient comfort, managed care, and...
Level A, M