Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire asiq

For:  Screen for suicidal ideation in college students and adults 18 years and older
Reading Level: Adult - Elder Adult
Format:  Paper and Pencil
Length: 10 minutes or less
Scoring:  Hand Scored



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ASIQ Introductory Kit

Includes ASIQ Manual and 25 Respondent Forms.
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ASIQ Form HS Respondent Forms (25)

Pack of 25.
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William M. Reynolds, PhD


The ASIQ may be used during intake interviews or during treatment to reduce liability and take appropriate preventative action whenever there may be a risk of suicide. Endorsement of critical items alerts you immediately in case of serious suicidal ideation.  The ASIQ includes a 25-item self-report; items rated on a 7-point scale; and a built-in scoring key.

Norms are based on 2,000 adults aged 18 years and older, including psychiatric outpatients, normal adults and college students.

Internal consistency and test-retest reliability coefficients range from .96-.97 and .85-.95, respectively in various samples.

The ASIQ yields a total score with a corresponding T score and percentile score.  Comparing the total score to a cut-off allows you to identify individuals in need of further evaluation for suicide risk.

Results of several research studies support the ASIQ as a valid measure of suicidal ideation.

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