Child and Adolescent Memory Profile champ
For: Assess visual and verbal memory in children, adolescents, and young adults aged 5-21 years
Reading Level: 5 years+
Format: Paper-and-Pencil; Online (via PARiConnect)
Length: 30-40 minutes for full assessment; 10-15 minutes for Screening Index
Scoring: Hand Scored; Online
Online Forms, Reports & e-Manuals
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Paper Forms and Hand Scoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
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ChAMP e-Manual
ChAMP online Score Report (each) min order 5
ChAMP In-Person e-Stimulus Book
ChAMP Record Forms (25)
ChAMP Stimulus Book
ChAMP In-Person e-Admin Introductory Kit
Sample Reports
Elisabeth M.S. Sherman, PhD, and Brian L. Brooks, PhD
The ChAMP is a norm-referenced test of memory for use with children, adolescents, and young adults that allows both in-depth memory evaluation and memory screening.
Features and benefits
- Based on the latest neuroscience research on human memory.
- Brief and easy to administer yet comprehensive: covers core verbal and visual memory domains with only a few subtests.
- Uses common, real-life scenarios and colourful, developmentally appropriate stimuli that are engaging and relevant to young examinees.
- Administration time is only 35 minutes, with no additional delay time required; Screening Index takes about 10 minutes.
- No motor response required.
- Focused on learning—each subtest has multiple learning trials.
- Includes built-in validity indicators.
- Allows for in-depth analysis and progress monitoring through discrepancy score analysis and reliable change scores; a base rate analysis of low scores and a strengths and weaknesses analysis are also available.
- Provides intervention recommendations for both home and school.
Test Structure
- Includes two verbal memory and two visual memory subtests; these combine to yield an overall score, the Total Memory Index. Additional Index scores reflect performance in visual and verbal memory and immediate and delayed memory.
- The Screening Index, comprising one verbal and one visual subtest, is useful for brief memory screening.
Technical Information
- Standardised using a large normative sample of more than 1,200 participants representative of the 2012 U.S. population.
- Clinical sample includes a large clinical sample of more than 200 children with learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, brain injury, and intellectual development disability.
- Supported by strong evidence of reliability and validity.
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