Continuous Auditory Test of Attention [CONNERS-CATA]
Assesses auditory processing and attention-related problems in individuals aged 8 years and older
For Ages: 8+ years
Format: Individual-completed
Length: 14 minutes
Scoring and Reports: Now available Online in MAC+ account for Local Administration only.
Author: C. Keith Conners, PhD
Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals
All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.
Conners CATA Online Use (minimum order 5)
The Continuous Auditory Test of Attention (Conners CATA) measures a respondent’s performance in areas of inattentiveness, impulsivity, and sustained attention, making it a useful tool in evaluating attention disorders and neurological functioning. The Conners CATA provides objective information about an individual’s performance in attention tasks, complementing information obtained from rating scales such as the Conners 3.
The updated version of this assessment transforms it from stand-alone software version to web application that can be accessed on multiple computers while maintaining its psychometric properties and test paradigms. The Conners CATA Online allows you to administer, score, and generate a report from anywhere with an internet connection.
Key Features:
- Broad Age Range Comprehensive assessment of attention deficits for ages 8 years and older
- Key Areas Measured Specific information about the type of attention deficits, including Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention, Auditory Laterality, and Auditory Mobility.
- Trusted results with large, demographically representative normative samples
- Reliable and valid assessment of attention deficits
- Easier Administration with easy client set-up, administration, and customizable reports on the MHS Online Assessment Center+ (MAC+) online platform
- Computer-generated reports that describe the respondent’s auditory laterality and mobility
- Easy-to-interpret reports that offer clear visuals and summaries of scores
For a more in-depth assessment of attention, the Conners CATA can be used in conjunction with the Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (Conners CPT 3) which is a task-oriented computerized assessment of attention-related problems in individuals aged 8 years and older.
How To Use The Assessment
During the 14-minute, 200-trial administration, respondents are presented with high-tone sounds that are either preceded by a low-tone warning sound (warned trials) or played alone (unwarned trials). Respondents are instructed to respond only to high-tone sounds on warned trials, and to ignore those on unwarned trials. On most trials, the low-tone and the high-tone sounds are played in the same ear (non-switch trials). On switch trials, the low-tone warning sound and the high-tone target sound are played in different ears, requiring the respondent to shift auditory attention from one ear to the other.
The following online reports are available:
Conners CATA Assessment Report provides detailed results from a single administration. An individual’s scores are compared to those in the normative sample, and elevations at the scale and subscale level are indicated.
Conners CATA Progress Report (available February 28, 2025) provides an overview of change over time by combining and comparing results between two to four administrations. These reports are ideal to use when monitoring treatment and intervention effectiveness.
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