Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Screening Version hare-pclsv
For: A screener for psychopathic (antisocial) personality disorders
Reading Level: Nil
Format: Semi-structured interview, professional completed
Length: Administration time - Interview 45 minutes; Collateral review 35 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored
Printed Manuals
Physical printed manuals.
Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
HARE PCL-R:SV Interview Guides
Hare PCL:SV Interview Guides/Forms (100 pack)
S.D. Hart, D.N. Cox & R.D. Hare
An abbreviated version of the Hare PCL-R and highly correlated with the PCL-R, the PCL:SV takes about half as long to administer and is an effective screen for psychopathic personality disorders. Containing 12 of the 20 items from the full PCL-R, the descriptions of these items have been simplified and some have been broadened to make them more suitable for use outside forensic settings.
It may be used with individuals from the general population and with forensic or psychiatric populations. This instrument is a cost-effective way to determine whether specific cut-off scores warrant administration of the full PCL-R to increase reliability and ensure validity of scores.
The same three scores available in the full PCL-R are available on the PCL:SV – Total Score and two factors: Part 1 – severity of interpersonal and affective symptoms of psychopathy & Part 2 – severity of social deviance symptoms of psychopathology. File and/or collateral information is needed to check the accuracy of interview information.
As with the PCL-R, psychologists should be experienced interviewers or have undertaken specialist training in completing this test with clients.
Shorter version of a Gold standard instrument.
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