Multilingual Aphasia Examination, 3rd Edition mae-3
For: Assess aphasic symptoms in ages 6 to 69 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, individual
Length: Admin time differs for each test
Scoring: Hand Scored
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Paper Forms and Hand Scoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
MAE-3 Introductory Kit
MAE-3 Sentence Repetition Form A and B Record Forms (100)
MAE-3 Speech Articulation, Writing Praxis, Summary Sheet Record Forms (100)
MAE-3 Spelling, Aural, and Readnig Comprehension Record Forms (100)
MAE-3 Token Test
MAE-3 Token Test Record Forms (100)
Arthur L. Benton, PhD, Kerry deS.Hamsher, PhD, and Abigail B. Sivan, PhD
The MAE is a relatively brief test battery designed to evaluate the presence, severity, and qualitative aspects of aphasic disorder. Three tests assess different aspects of oral expression—naming, sentence repetition and verbal associative capacity; three tests assess oral verbal understanding; one test assesses reading comprehension; and three tests assess oral, written and block spelling. Speech articulation and the fluency-nonfluency dimension of expressive speech are rated, but not systematically sampled. Writing is evaluated from performance on the test of written spelling.
As a comprehensive aphasia battery, the MAE complements the use of other tests of neuropsychological function developed at the Benton Laboratory of Neuropsychology. The Manual includes new normative standards for elderly individuals, data on the discriminative value of each test and recent clinical research results.
Most of the tests were standardised on a sample of 360 subjects, ranging in age from 16 to 69 years, whose native language was English, and who showed no evidence or history of hemispheric brain disease. The MAE was also standardised on 229 children ages 6 to 12 years who were within the normal range of intelligence.
MAE Tests Include:
- Visual Naming
- Oral Spelling
- MAE Token Test
- Reading Comprehension of Words and Phrases
- Sentence Repetition
- Written Spelling
- Aural Comprehension of Words and Phrases
- Controlled Word Association
- Block Spelling
- Rating of Articulation
- Rating of Praxic Features of Writing
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