MMPI-A Interpretive System mmpi-a-interp-system

For: Provides comprehensive interpretive hypotheses for the MMPI-A
Reading Level: Adolescent
Format:  PC Based Software
Length: Varies
Scoring: Computer Scored


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Robert P. Archer, PhD, PAR Staff


The unlimited-use MMPI-A Interpretive software provides comprehensive interpretive hypotheses for the MMPI-A and is designed specifically for use with adolescents ages 12-18 years. Although this is not a scoring program, it provides clinical interpretation based on T scores entered from a scored MMPI-A protocol. Information from test data includes:

  • Comprehensive information on profile validity, probable symptoms, treatment issues and suggestions, and possible diagnostic considerations.
  • Individual scale interpretations and configural information for commonly occurring 2- and 3-point code types.
  • An estimate of the degree to which an adolescent’s profile matches the profile database and characteristics for a given profile type.
  • Includes an on-screen Software Manual and six setting-specific report options.
  • Import feature allows you to import data from the Pearson Assessments Q Local scoring system automatically and without program modification.
  • Allows you to create multiple profile overlays. You may also overlay client data and prototype protocols at the same time.
  • Creates and prints the structural summary, promoting a more comprehensive and easier to understand report.
  • Allows you to select which components of the report you wish to print.

This version of the software offers six setting-specific report options: Outpatient, Inpatient, Medical/Hospital, Drug/Alcohol Treatment, School/Academic, and Correctional/Juvenile Justice. Approximately 150 setting-specific statements have been added to the output of the report for these settings, ranging from 25-40 setting-specific statements per setting.

System Requirements 

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

Mac users: install Windows in VirtualBox or BootCamp.

Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported.

NTFS file system; CD-ROM drive for installation; Internet connection or telephone for software activation.

NB:  Prices are in Australian dollars inclusive of GST.  NZ customers need to log in to view ex-GST prices.