NEO Five Factor Inventory-3 [NEO-FFI-3]

Provides a quick assessment of general personality using the five-factor model

For Ages: 12 to 99 years
Administration Time: 10-15 minutes
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, Online in PARiConnect
Scoring: Hand Scored, Online in PARiConnect
Authors: Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD

NEO Inventories Manuals available in hard copy (book) or electronic version (e-Manual)

Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals

All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.

5 Items

Printed Kits

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Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials

Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.

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NEO-FFI-3 online i-Admin (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. i-Admins for on-screen test administration, either in your office or remotely. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-FFI-3 online Interpretive Report (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. Interpretive Reports provide scores, profiles, and interpretive text based on response data from an i-Admin or a paper-and-pencil assessment. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-FFI-3 online Score Report (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. Score Reports provide scores and profiles based on response data from an i-Admin or a paper-and-pencil assessment. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-FFI-3:4 FV online i-Admin (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3: Four-Factor Version i-Admins for on-screen test administration, either in your office or remotely. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-FFI-3:4 FV online Score Report (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3: Four-Factor Version Score Reports provide scores and profiles based on response data from an i-Admin or a paper-and-pencil assessment. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-FFI-3 Adolescent Form S Kit

Includes NEO Inventories Professional Manual, 25 NEO-FFI-3 Form S Adolescent Item Booklets, and 25 Your NEO Sumary Feedback Sheets.




NEO-FFI-3 Form R Adolescent Male Item Booklets (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




NEO-FFI-3 Form R Adult Female Item Booklets (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




NEO-FFI-3 Form R Adult Male Item Booklets (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




NEO-FFI-3 Form S Adolescent Item Booklet (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




NEO-FFI-3 Form S Adult Item Booklets (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




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Quickly Measure the Five Domains of Personality with the NEO-FFI-3

The NEO Inventories provide a comprehensive and detailed assessment of personality that is well-established and respected. The NEO-FFI-3 is:

  • 60-item version of the NEO-PI-3.
  • A measure of all five dimensions of personality: Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), and Openness to Experience (O).
  • Suitable for clients ages 12 and over.
  • Administered in under 15 minutes.

Features and benefits

  • Fifteen of the 60 NEO-FFI items have been replaced to improve readability and psychometric properties.
  • Separate adolescent (12–20 years) and adult (21 years and older) norms are available.
  • The NEO Style Graph Booklet and Your NEO Summary feedback sheets provide an innovative way to give feedback to respondents based on their NEO profiles.
  • Administer and score using PARiConnect.
  • Self-report (Form S) and observer rating (Form R) forms are available.

Working in a Career/Employment Setting and Need to Measure the Four Domains of Personality Quickly?

The NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3: Four-Factor Version provides information on four personality domains: Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness, and omits Neuroticism. It is designed for use in employment and personal counselling settings involving activities such as career counselling, career development, and employee training, where these four domains are the main focus. Items, norms, and scoring are taken from the E, O, A, and C factors of the NEO-FFI-3. The NEO-FFI-3:4FV is available for administration and scoring only on PARiConnect. A self-report form (Form S) and a form for rating others (Form R) are available.