NEO Personality Inventory-3 [NEO-PI-3]
Provides a detailed assessment of general personality in adolescents and adults using the five-factor model
For Ages: 12 to 99 years of age
Administration Time: 35-45 minutes
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, Online in PARiConnect
Scoring: Hand Scored, Online in PARiConnect
Authors: Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD and Robert R. McCrae, PhD
Manuals available in hard copy (book) or electronic version (e-Manual)
Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals
All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.
Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
Printed Kits
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Printed Manuals
Physical printed manuals.
NEO Inventories 3 Normative Update Professional e-Manual
NEO PDR i-Admin/Management & Individual Planning Report (each) – MIN ORDER 5
NEO-PI-3 i-Admin/Interpretive Report: Normative Update (each) – MIN ORDER 5
NEO-PI-3 i-Admin/Score Report: Normative Update (each) – MIN ORDER 5
NEO Inventories e-Manual
NEO-PI-3 online i-Admin (each) min order 5
NEO-PI-3 online Interpretive Report (each) min order 5
NEO-PI-3 online Score Report (each) min order 5
NEO PDR online Management and Individual Planning Report (each) min order 5
NEO-PI-3:4FV online i-Admin (each) min order 5
NEO-PI-3:4FV online Score Report
NEO Inventories Style Graph Booklets (25)
NEO-PI-3 Adult Combined-Gender Profile Forms (Form S/Form R) (25)
NEO-PI-3 Hand Scorable Answer Sheets (25)
NEO-PI-3 Reusable Form R Item Booklets (10: 5 Male and 5 Female)
NEO-PI-3 Reusable Form S Item Booklets (10)
NEO-PI-3/NEO PI-R Scannable Answer Sheets for On-site scanning module (25)
NEO-PI-3 Adolescent Comprehensive Kit
NEO-PI-3 Adult Comprehensive Kit
NEO Inventories Professional Manual: NEO-PI-3, NEO-FFI-3, NEO PI-R
Comprehensive Adolescent and Adult Personality Test using the Five Domains
The NEO Inventories provide a comprehensive and detailed assessment of personality that is well-established and respected. The NEO-PI-3 is:
- A measure of all five dimensions of personality: Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), and Openness to Experience (O).
- Suitable for clients ages 12 and over including middle school-aged children and adolescents, as well as adults with lower educational levels.
- Administered in under 40 minutes.
- The NEO-PI-3 is a modification of the NEO PI-R in which 37 of the 240 items have been replaced. The new items are easier to understand and have better psychometric properties.
Features and benefits
- Can be administered orally to individuals with limited literacy or with visual problems.
- Demonstrated utility in clinical, applied, and research settings.
- Useful in vocational counselling, pre-employment screening, and educational psychology.
- Components include:
- The NEO Problems in Living Checklist (NEO-PLC), a tool for clinicians to assess problematic behaviours and symptoms.
- The NEO Style Graph Booklet, a way to provide feedback to respondents.
- The NEO Job Profiler, a tool to identify traits relevant to an occupation or position
- The two-part carbonless hand-scorable answer sheet eliminates the need for separate scoring keys or templates.
- Form S (for self-reports) consists of a series of items answered by respondents to describe themselves.
- Form R (for observer reports), is a companion instrument with parallel items written in the third person for peer, spouse, or expert ratings. Form R can be used to obtain independent estimates on the same five domains of personality and may be of particular value in instances when it is desirable to validate or supplement self-reports.
- Professional Manual includes case studies.
- Administer and score via PARiConnect. The digital Interpretive Report includes optional personality disorder profile overlays and use of DSM-5 terminology.
NEO Professional Development Report (PDR) Module
The PDR Module is available on PARiConnect where you can easily generate career-focused reports – the Management Planning Report and the Individual Planning Report.
- Addresses the personal characteristics that have the highest potential for yielding job-relevant information.
- Provides observations about the individual’s strengths and limitations in four critical areas: problem-solving skills; planning, organizing, and implementation skills; style of relating to others; and personal style.
Working in a Career/Employment Setting and Need to Measure the Four Domains of Personality?
The NEO Personality Inventory-3: Four-Factor Version provides information on four personality domains: Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness and omits Neuroticism. It is designed for use in employment and personal counselling settings involving activities such as career counselling, career development, and employee training. Items, norms, and scoring are taken from the E, O, A, and C factors of the NEO-PI-3. The NEO-PI-3:4FV is available for administration and scoring only on PARiConnect. A self-report form (Form S) and a form for rating others (Form R) are available.