NEO Personality Inventory-3 (Normative Update) [NEO-PI-3]

Provides a detailed assessment of general personality traits using the five main dimensions of personality

For Ages: 12 to 99+ years of age
Administration Time: 5 – 30 minutes
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, Online in PARiConnect
Scoring: Hand Scored, Online in PARiConnect
Authors: Robert R. McCrae, PhD. and Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD, Professional Manual by Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD, Robert R. McCrae, PhD, and Sierra Iwanicki, PhD

Manuals available in hard copy (book) or electronic version (e-Manual)

Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals

All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.

6 Items

Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials

Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.

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Printed Kits

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Printed Manuals

Physical printed manuals.

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NEO Inventories 3 Normative Update Professional e-Manual

Each e-Manual is licensed for one user. e-Manuals are in a DRM-protected format, printing is prohibited. e-Manual can only be viewed on-screen on a PC with Adobe® Digital Editions or on an iPad or Android device through the Bluefire Reader app. e-Manuals are not returnable.




NEO PDR i-Admin/Management & Individual Planning Report (each) – min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. Price per use for 1 i-Admin and 1 report. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-PI-3 i-Admin/Interpretive Report: Normative Update (each) – min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. Price per use for 1 i-Admin and 1 Interpretive report. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-PI-3 i-Admin/Score Report: Normative Update (each) – min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. Price per use for 1 i-Admin and 1 Score Report. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-PI-3:4FV online i-Admin (each) min order 5

For use in PARiConnect online account. NEO-PI-3: Four-Factor Version i-Admins for on-screen test administration, either in your office or remotely. Minimum quantity is 5 per order.




NEO-PI-3:4FV online Score Report

For use in PARiConnect online account. NEO-PI-3: Four-Factor Version Score reports provide scores and profiles based on response data from an i-Admin or a paper-and-pencil assessment. Minimum order 5.




NEO Inventories Style Graph Booklets (25)

Pack of 25 booklets.




NEO-PI-3 Adult Combined-Gender Profile Forms (Form S/Form R) (25)

Pack of 25 forms.




NEO-PI-3 Hand Scorable Answer Sheets (25)

Pack of 25 answer sheets.




NEO-PI-3 Reusable Form R Item Booklets (10: 5 Male and 5 Female)

Pack of 10 (5 Male and 5 Female)




NEO-PI-3 Reusable Form S Item Booklets (10)

Pack of 10.




NEO-PI-3/NEO PI-R Scannable Answer Sheets for On-site scanning module (25)





NEO-PI-3 Adolescent Comprehensive Kit

Includes NEO Inventories Prof Manual, 10 Reusable Form S Item Booklets, 10 Reusable Form R Item Booklets, 25 Hand-scorable Answer Sheets, 25 Form S Adolescent Profile forms, 25 Form R Adolescent Profile forms, 25 Adolescent Combined-Gender Profile forms (Form S/Form R), 25 Your NEO Summary Feedback Sheets and a certificate for 5 FREE NEO-PI-3 Adolescent Interpretive Reports on PARiConnect.




NEO-PI-3 Adult Comprehensive Kit

Includes NEO Inventories Prof Manual, 10 Reusable Form S Item Booklets, 10 Reusable form R Item Booklets (5 Male 5 Female), 25 Hand-scorable answer sheets, 25 form S Adult Profile forms, 25 Form R Adult Profile forms, 25 Adult Combined-Gender Profile forms (Form S/Form R), 25 Your NEO Summary Feedback Sheets and a certificate for 5 FREE NEO-PI-3 Adult Interpretive Reports on PARiConnect.




NEO Inventories Professional Manual: NEO-PI-3, NEO-FFI-3, NEO PI-R

Physical book.




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Comprehensive Adolescent and Adult Personality Test using the Five Domains

New normative update!

The NEO Inventories are measures of the five major dimensions of personality and the most important facets that define each dimension. As some of the most well-known and empirically substantiated measures of personality, they have demonstrated utility in clinical, applied, and research settings.
The NEO PI-3 (Normative Update) is a 240-item measure of all five personality domains—Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), and Openness to Experience (O)—as well as 30 subordinate facets.
The NEO now provides enhanced features to help you better serve your clients.

Features and benefits

  • Inclusive. With an updated normative sample collected in 2024 representative of the current U.S. Census, the normative update of the NEO Inventories applies to a larger, more diverse population.
  • More reliable and valid. Now with updated data which demonstrates test-retest reliability and the option to generate scores for the new Schinka, Kinder, and Kremer (SKK) validity scales of Positive Presentation Management (PPM) and Negative Presentation Management (NPM).
  • Streamlined components. The normative update is reduced to three print forms (use one form for all ages—adults and adolescents):
    • Self-Report Form
    • Informant Report Form–Male
    • Informant Report Form–Female

Components also include the digital i-Admin, Score Report, and Interpretive Report.

  • Updated Professional Manual. The new manual includes several useful supplemental materials, including a blank profile form that allows professionals to plot T scores from multiple raters.
  • Administration & scoring options. Scoring and report generation are exclusively through PARiConnect, while you have the choice of print or digital administration. 
Additional features included in the Interpretive Report and Professional Manual
  • The NEO Style Graphs are provided in the Interpretive Report and provide more extensive feedback that considers configurations of factors. The T score for the vertical and horizontal axis, which are based on domain, are located at the top of each graph. The point of their intersection is indicated with an X. This point identifies the style of the respondent, and the description associated with that quadrant of the graph characterizes their style.
  • The NEO Problems in Living Checklist are included as a template in the professional manual, is a tool designed to help clinicians assess problematic behaviours and symptoms. The checklist is designed to serve as a guide for a more focused clinical interview.
  • The NEO Inventories Job Profiler are included as a template in the professional manual, is a tool designed to describe 30 personality traits relevant to job performance. The form is completed by expert judges, such as job analysts, supervisors, or employees who are successful in the role. These experts rate the traits to define weights, which are then applied to a prospective candidate’s T scores.
  • The NEO Feedback Summary provides direct feedback to the client about their responses across the five broad factors of personality. Available only on PARiConnect.

Need to quickly measure personality domains? 

Also with an updated normative sample, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3™ (Normative Update) is a 60-item version of the NEO-PI-3™ that measures the five main dimensions of personality without assessing the individual facets.

In addition, the career-focused NEO Professional Development Report (PDR) can be generated via PARiConnect. After administering the PDR i-Admin, you have the option of generating either the Management Planning Report or Individual Planning Report. 

  • These reports address the personal characteristics that have the highest potential for yielding job-relevant information.
  • They also provide observations about the individual’s strengths and limitations in four critical areas: problem-solving skills; planning, organizing, and implementation skills; style of relating to others; and personal style.