Parent Adolescent Relationship Questionnaire - Scoring Program parq-sp
For: Examines the parent-adolescent relationship for ages 11-18 years
Reading Level: 5th Grade
Format: Paper-and-Pencil; PC Based Software
Length: 25-35 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored; Computer Scored
Arthur Robin, PhD, Thomas Koepke, PhD, Anne Moye, PhD, and PAR Staff
The PARQ-SP provides users with unlimited scoring and report generation for an individual’s PARQ profile. After demographic information and item responses or scale raw scores are manually entered, the PARQ-SP generates either a Parent or an Adolescent Score Report that includes raw scores, T scores, percentile ranges, and qualitative ranges for each of the PARQ scales. Item response tables and an Inconsistency Score Summary Table also are generated. In addition, the report generates a profile graph so you may easily assess the different facets of a parent-adolescent relationship. You may also choose to generate a Parent and/or Adolescent Reliable Change Report that includes a Reliable Change Score Summary Table displaying obtained T scores at Time 1 and Time 2, the resulting change score, and significant probability levels.
System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Mac users: install Windows in VirtualBox or BootCamp.
Other virtual machine solutions (e.g., Parallels, VMWare) are not supported.
NTFS file system; CR-ROM drive for installation; Internet connection or telephone for software activation and counter update
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