Parent-Child Relationship Inventory pcri

For: Provides a clear picture of how parents feel about their children and the task of parenting
Reading Level: For parents of children between 3 and 15 years of age
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 15 minutes
Scoring: Computer Scored

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Kit includes 25 autoscore forms and 1 manual.




PCRI Manual





PCRI Manual






One CD-Rom for use on PC with Windows 98, ME, XP, or 2000. Each CD is good for 25 uses.




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Anthony B. Gerard, Ph.D.


This unique self-report inventory tells you how parents view the task of parenting and how they feel about their children. Designed for use with mothers or fathers of 3- to 15-year-old children, the PCRI gives you a clear, quantified description of the parent-child relationship. And it identifies specific areas in which problems may occur.

Standardised on more than 1,100 parents across the United States, the PCRI includes 78 items covering seven distinct scales:

Parental Support
Satisfaction With Parenting
Limit Setting
Role Orientation

In addition, two validity scales alert you to the possibility that the parent is responding inconsistently or portraying the parent-child relationship in an unrealistically positive light.
Requiring only a fourth-grade reading level, the PCRI may be completed in just 15 minutes and then hand or computer scored. If you choose computer scoring, you may use the CD, which gives you a full interpretive report.

Because many fathers now take an active role in parenting, PCRI items are appropriate for either parent – and separate norms are provided for mothers and fathers. Given its specific focus on parenting attitudes, the PCRI is highly useful in child custody evaluation, family therapy, parent training and child abuse assessment.

Use the PCRI to evaluate:

parenting skills and attitudes
child custody arrangements
family interaction
physical or sexual abuse of children

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