Test of General Reasoning Ability togra
For: Screen for reasoning and problem solving skills in ages 10 to 75 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil, individual or group; Online (via PARiConnect)
Length: Administration time 16 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored
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TOGRA online i-Admin (each) min order 5
TOGRA Professional Manual (with Fast Guide)
TOGRA Professional Manual (with Fast Guide)
Sample Reports
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Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD
The TOGRA is a speeded measure of reasoning ability and problem-solving skills designed for individual or group administration.
Features and Benefits
As a result of extensive expert review and statistical analysis, the TOGRA’s racial, gender, and religious bias is minimal—ideal for any measure used for selection purposes to avoid adverse impact.
Offers a wider variety of item content and greater test score stability than competing measures.
Yields a General Reasoning Index (GRI), a highly reliable score that reflects overall measurement of the general factor of reasoning and problem-solving skill.
Consists of items that assess verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills through tasks that are inductive as well as deductive in nature.
Requires only 16 minutes for administration and 2-3 minutes for scoring.
Administration and scoring are available through PARiConnect..
Test structure
Two equivalent alternate forms (Blue and Green) enable you to retest and monitor progress without worrying about practice effects.
May be administered to groups or individuals and using a computer or traditional paper-and-pencil. This flexibility makes the TOGRA a viable option for use in human resource and related industrial settings, schools, juvenile and adult justice systems and clinical settings.
Technical information
Standardised on a 2010-Census-matched sample of 3,013 individuals.
Multiple types of scores are provided, including z-scores, normal curve equivalents, stanines, percentiles, and for the younger ages, age equivalents.
An investigation of TOGRA scores’ relationship to examinees’ occupational data revealed expected patterns, with median GRI scores increasing as examinees’ industries moved from physically oriented occupations to business- and science-oriented occupations.
NB: Prices are in Australian dollars inclusive of GST. NZ customers need to log in to view ex-GST prices.