Working Styles Assessment wsa
For: Assesses workplace personality traits in adults
Reading Level: Ages 17 to 70 years
Format: Self report, individual or group
Length: 25 minutes to administer; 10 minutes to score
Scoring: Hand Scored
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WSA Introductory Kit
Melissa A. Messer, MHS and Heather Ureksoy, PhD
The WSA assesses a person’s work-related personality traits—the traits that are related to effective job performance.
Features and Benefits
Helps individuals gain a better understanding of their personal work preferences and how they approach a variety of situations in the workplace, allowing them to identify potentially satisfying occupations and providing the foundation for work with a career counsellor.
Aids hiring managers in identifying the working styles they value in employees and selecting applicants based on the degree to which they possess those working styles.
Guides developmental discussions between a manager and an employee who may be struggling in a certain area of their job by highlighting the employee’s strengths and weaknesses.
Test Structure
The Assessment Booklet includes 14 agree-or-disagree statements for each of the 18 constructs measured. The User’s Workbook helps examinees organise their results, generate a list of their own top ten working styles, and match those styles to potential occupations. A “Next Steps” section and a resource section provides further help with the career exploration process.
For the counsellor or HR professional, the Score Summary Sheet provides a fast way to score and organise the working styles of a client or job seeker.
A Fast Guide is included with your purchase of the Professional Manual.
Technical Information
Standardisation sample consisted of 739 individuals ages 17 to 70 years; the sample was closely matched to the U.S. population according to gender, race/ethnicity, and education level.
Internal consistency coefficients were generally high, ranging from .61 to .92 across all age groups; test-retest reliability ranged from .71 to .88. High inter-scorer agreement was found.
Face validity was strong, and intercorrelations were strong between constructs within each category (i.e., drive, interpersonal skill, adjustment, responsibility, and problem-solving skill).
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