Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System, Third Edition [ABAS-3]
Provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span
For Ages: Birth to 89 years
Administration Type: Parent and/or teacher rating scale for ages birth–21 years; Adult Self-Report and Other Report for ages 16–89 years
Administration Time: 15 – 20 minutes
Format: Paper-and-pencil; Software; Online administration and scoring in WPS Online Evaluation System
Authors: Patti L. Harrison, PhD, Thomas Oakland, PhD
Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals
All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.
Printed Manuals
Physical printed manuals.
Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
Printed Kits
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PC Software
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ABAS-3 Online Manual
ABAS-3 Online Intervention Planner
ABAS-3 School: Parent Online Form (5 Uses)
ABAS-3 School: Parent Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 School: Parent Online Form (25 Uses)
ABAS-3 School: Teacher Online Form (5 Uses)
ABAS-3 School: Teacher Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 School: Teacher Online Form (25 Uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Rated by Others) Online Form (5 uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Rated by Others) Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Rated by Others) Online Form (25 uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Self-Report) Online Form (5 uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Self-Report) Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 Adult (Self-Report) Online Form (25 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Caregiver Online Form (5 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Caregiver Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Caregiver Online Form (25 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Online Form (5 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Online Form (10 uses)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Online Form (25 uses)
ABAS-3 Comprehensive Online Kit
ABAS-3 School Online Kit
ABAS-3 Adult Online Kit
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Online Kit
ABAS-3 Manual
ABAS-3 Intervention Planner
ABAS-3 School: Parent Form (25)
ABAS-3 School: Teacher Form (25)
ABAS-3 Adult Form (25)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Caregiver Form (25)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Form (25)
ABAS-3 Comprehensive Kit
ABAS-3 Comprehensive Software Kit
ABAS-3 School Kit
ABAS-3 School Software Kit
ABAS-3 Adult Kit
ABAS-3 Adult Software Kit
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Kit
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Software Kit
ABAS-3 Unlimited-Use Scoring Assistant Software
ABAS-3 Unlimited-Use Scoring Assistant & Intervention Planner Software
The ABAS-3 combines all-new norms with updated item content to create the leading adaptive skills assessment. Retaining all features that made the second edition the preferred instrument for evaluating adaptive behaviour, the ABAS-3 is even easier to administer and score. Comprehensive, convenient, and cost-effective, this behaviour rating scale measures daily living skills – what people actually do, or can do, without assistance from others. The ABAS-3 is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments.
Multiple raters, different perspectives
The ABAS-3 includes five rating forms, each for a specific age range and rater:
- Parent/Primary Caregiver Form (birth–5 years)
- Teacher/Day-care Provider Form (ages 2–5 years)
- Parent Form (ages 5–21 years)
- Teacher Form (ages 5–21 years)
- Adult Form (ages 16–89 years)
Parents, family members, teachers, day-care staff, supervisors, counsellors, or others who are familiar with the daily activities of the individual being evaluated can complete these forms. The Adult Form can even be administered as a self-reporting tool. The items may be read aloud to raters who have low sight or poor reading skills.
Although it’s possible to evaluate adaptive skills using only a single rater, gathering ratings from several people will provide a more complete assessment. Multiple ratings show how the individual performs in various settings. When different forms are used by different raters to evaluate an individual’s adaptive skills, a comparative report can be generated to show areas that warrant further attention.
Skills and domains consistent with aaidd, dsm-5, idea, and rti guidelines
The ABAS-3 covers three broad adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical. Within these domains, the ABAS-3 assesses 11 adaptive skill areas (each form assesses 9 or 10 skill areas based on age range). Items focus on practical, everyday activities required to function, meet environmental demands, care for oneself, and interact with others effectively and independently. Raters use a four-point response scale to indicate whether the individual can perform each activity and, if so, how frequently the individual performs it when needed.
The ABAS-3 is aligned with the AAIDD, DSM-5, and IDEA specifications and works well within an RTI context. The ABAS-3 generates norm-referenced scaled scores and test-age equivalents for the 11 skill areas. It also provides standard scores, confidence intervals, and percentile ranks for the three broad adaptive domains and for the summary score – the General Adaptive Composite. Scores can also be categorized descriptively (Extremely Low, Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, High).
Online, Software, and Print
The WPS® Online Evaluation System™ offers convenient ABAS-3 administration, scoring, and intervention planning. Online testing allows clinicians to:
- Administer all forms locally or remotely
- Check the status of an administration at any time
- Score and report automatically
- Create customized intervention plans
- Easily monitor an individual’s progress over time
- Quickly compare two raters’ scores
The ABAS-3 can also be administered using paper-and-pencil forms that have been redesigned for ease of use. Scoring can be done quickly by hand or by desktop software. The Unlimited-Use Scoring Assistant and Intervention Planner Software generates a narrative interpretation of all scores, a strengths and needs analysis, a composite score discrepancy analysis, and more.
Online administration in WPS Online Evaluation System (WPS OES)
Unlocking potential. Create a client, Administer & Score a form, Generate additional reports… Assessing your clients online has never been easier.
Beyond Measure: Create Effective Intervention Plans Based on ABAS-3 Results
Create and achieve therapeutic goals with the ABAS-3 Intervention Planner. Available in three formats – online, software, and print – it allows users to create a customized therapy plan based on areas of adaptive skill deficits identified by the ABAS-3. The Intervention Planner offers:
- Simple, straightforward intervention activities for each ABAS-3 item across all forms
- Developmentally appropriate strategies to help improve functioning at home, at school, at work, and in the community
- Versatile activities that can be used with an individual, with a small group, or in the classroom
- Suggestions for guiding teacher and family involvement in intervention programs
- Progress Monitoring Report (online and software)
The Intervention Planner is included in all ABAS-3 Kits and may be purchased separately in print.
Inform Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Measuring adaptive skills is important when a disorder or other condition affects an individual’s daily functioning. Whether clinicians are trying to identify the best learning environment for a child or are ensuring that an older individual can live independently, the ABAS-3 provides the information necessary to make appropriate clinical decisions and design effective interventions. Its applications are almost endless.
No matter the setting, the age of the individual, or the nature of their limitations, the ABAS-3 can help clinicians:
- Assess adaptive skills
- Diagnose and classify disabilities and disorders
- Identify strengths and weaknesses
- Document and monitor progress over time
- Develop treatment plans and training goals
- Determine eligibility for services and disability benefits
- Evaluate the capability to live or work independently
This versatile instrument lets clinicians gather information from several raters in different settings to obtain a broad view of an individual’s functionality. The ABAS-3 conforms to AAIDD, DSM-5, IDEA, and RTI specifications and can be used with confidence.