Emotional Quotient-inventory EQ-i 2.0 [EQ-I-2-0]
Assess emotional intelligence with an intuitive model, custom reports, and easy online administration
For ages: 18 years and older
Administration Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Administration Type: Self
Format: Online administration and scoring via MHS Talent Assessment Portal (TAP)
Printed Forms & Handscoring Materials
Test forms, response booklets and scoring reference manuals.
EQ-i 2.0 Data Entry Sheets (25)
The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0) measures an individual’s emotional intelligence. Science and professional feedback from the EQ-i® strengthened the direction of this second generation assessment. Now, it’s a complete experience with a new and intuitive model, customizable reports, and an online platform for easy administration.
Key Features
- Generate a total EI score with five composite scores measuring distinct aspects of emotional and social functioning
- Gain a deeper understanding of how the results affect a participant’s workplace performance (conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making and more) with strategies customized based on individual results
- Make instant connections between subscales and help participants leverage EI strengths and improve EI weaknesses
- Use the Well-Being Indicator to measure your client’s level of happiness; resulting in additional developmental opportunities
- Target solutions at every level with a multi-level approach to developing EI
- Reports are designed with clear instructions, interpretation guidelines and results-driven content setting you up for success
Key Areas measured

Online administration in Talent Assessment Portal (TAP)
TAP provides quick and easy administration, scoring and resources to practitioners and it is free to establish (subject to user’s qualifications/certification).
The Portal utilises a TOKEN system. Clients purchase the number of tokens required for each report they wish to generate. Each type of report requires a specific number of tokens. See more details below.
Purchase for online assessment
The TAP online allows practitioners to access webinars, video tutorials and other support and marketing resources for free.
EQ-i 2.0 Norm Options
- General Population
- Age and Gender specific
EQ-i 2.0 currently offers several types of reports: Workplace, Leadership, Group, Higher Education and EQ360.
All report types have a client and a coach section. The coach version includes, among many features, interpretative guidance for the coach as well as response explanations, follow-up questions, and de-briefing guide – all the tools needed to give the most useful and accurate feedback possible. The client section focuses on conveying the results and providing development recommendations to the client.
EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report
Requires 76 Tokens
Focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence at work and offers suggestions for working with colleagues, supervisors, and clients in a variety of coaching, development, and work settings.
Specific applications for this report are:
- Individual Development
- Organizational Development
- Career Counseling/Outplacement Services
EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report
Requires 114 Tokens
Examines EQ-i 2.0 results through four key dimensions of leadership: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation. As an option, client’s results can be compared against those of top leaders, creating a coaching benchmark for exceptional EI performance. The leadership report also contains insights on the leadership and organizational implications of your client’s results, information about which skills have the highest potential to be leadership derailers, as well as strategies for development aimed to help your client reach their true leadership potential.
Specific applications for this report are:
- Leadership development
- Executive development and coaching
- Developing high potential leaders
- Compare results against the top leader as a benchmark
EQ-i 2.0 Group Report
Requires 282 Tokens
Used when an organization wishes to work on team-level strategies as it enables discussion around team-level implications of EI. The Group Report combines the EQ-i 2.0 scores of individuals in a manner that enables interpretation at the group or team level. This report provides the participants’ individual scores while maintaining their anonymity. An overview that identifies group strengths, as well as areas where the group can be more effective, is presented. Implications at an organizational level are examined and strategies for action that can further develop the group’s potential are recommended.
Specific applications for this report are:
- Providing group or team feedback on EQ-i 2.0 results
- Team building
- Improving group dynamics
- Providing an organizational summary or report of an EQ-i 2.0 program
EQ-i 2.0 Higher Education Student Summary / Student Comprehensive / Counsellor’s Report
Requires 30 Tokens
Sold as a collection of all three Higher Education reports.
Student Summary is a seven-page report that provides a summary of the top three and bottom three subscales.
Student Comprehensive is a thirteen-page report that contains results, interpretive text and development strategies for all 15 subscales.
Counsellor’s is a ten-page report generated in tandem with the Student Comprehensive Report that contains interpretive information from a counsellor’s perspective.
EQ360 Leadership Report
Requires 358 Tokens
This multi-ratter report also helps you to view your client’s scores through a leadership lens, as well as help you understand how others see your client as a leader.
Key Features:
- Identifies blind spots, allied strengths, and developmental opportunities
- Easily highlight where ratters agreed with the individual’s assessment and where they did not
- Easy administration and support
- Completely aligned with the EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment providing a seamless user experience
- Save time and effort with a one-page summary of results
- Each summary is interpreted from two different perspectives
EQ360 Workplace Report
Requires 278 Tokens
This report is used to gain insight into an individual’s EQ 360 results, with in-depth analysis specific to a workplace context, enabling career and organizational development.
Key Features:
- Identifies blind spots, allied strengths, and developmental opportunities
- Easily highlight where ratters agreed with the individual’s assessment and where they did not
- Easy administration and support
- Completely aligned with the EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment providing a seamless user experience
- Save time and effort with a one-page summary of results
- Each summary is interpreted from two different perspectives