Feifer Assessment of Childhood Trauma™ [FACT]
Measures how stress and trauma impact students in a school-based setting
For Ages: 4 years to 18 years
Administration Time: 10 minutes
Format: Online administration and scoring via PARiConnect online platform
Author: Steven G. Feifer, DEd
Online Forms, Reports, Kits & e-Manuals
All online resources including Forms, Reports, i-Admins, Kits and e-Manuals.
Printed Manuals
Physical printed manuals.
FACT online E-Manual
FACT online i-Admin/Score Report (each) min order 5
FACT Professional Manual
Quickly Measure How Stress and Trauma Are Impacting Students’ Academic, Behavioural, Emotional, and Physiological Functioning in a School Environment
The FACT is the first and only instrument measuring how stress and trauma impact students in a school-based setting. It guides clinicians in formulating targeted interventions that better meet the needs of students.
The FACT is different from other measures in that its focus is HOW stress and trauma impacts academic, behavioural, emotional, and physiological functioning in a school-based setting. The Score Report with Recommendations provides resources to aid your preparation of 504 recommendations and Individualized Education Program (IEP) accommodations, and to screen children within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) delivery model.
Features and benefits
- Designed for use by educational diagnosticians, school counsellors, school psychologists, neuropsychologists, school nurses, community mental health providers, school administrators, and paediatricians.
- Quantifies the impact, rather than the source, of traumatic experiences on school-based functioning in order to help you generate specific interventions.
- Four clinical impact scales (Physiological Impact, Emotional Impact, Academic Impact, Behavioural Impact), one index (Total Trauma), and a four clusters (Resiliency, Anxiety, Depression, Inattention) paint a broad picture of students’ functioning. Two validity scales are also provided.
- The Total Trauma index captures overall functioning in a school environment, while scales target specific areas and clusters focus on mental health concerns that might benefit from further evaluation.
- Useful as part of an evaluation for emotional disturbance.
- The FACT includes a Resiliency cluster that focuses on positive attributes and the presence of protective factors.
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report Forms are available.
- Critical items are included to help identify children in need of immediate follow-up.
- Administration options are flexible:
- Administer digitally via PARiConnect and receive immediate scoring and report generation.
- Administer via printed form and transfer scores into PARiConnect to generate a Score Report with Recommendations.
- The Score Report with Recommendations includes scores and lists of recommendations for implementation both at home and at school.
- The e-Manual (also available in print) provides information on the role of stress and trauma in academic settings, appropriate uses and general applications for the FACT, directions for administration and interpretation, and data on reliability and validity.
- Developed by noted school psychologist and educational neuropsychologist Steven G. Feifer, DEd.