NAB Orientation Test nab-orientation
For: Measures orientation to self, time, place and situation
Reading Level: 18 to 97 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Length: 10 minutes
Scoring: Hand Scored
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NAB Orientation Test Kit
NAB Orientation Test Record Form (pad of 25)
Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD
The NAB Orientation Test evaluates impaired orientation, one of the most common symptoms of a variety of brain disorders and an important aspect of attention. A brief 16-item measure, the test consists of questions relating to self, time, place and situation. Scoring for the NAB Orientation Test was designed to be simple and reliable while simultaneously providing sensitive markers to help you determine if further examination within a specific domain of disorientation is needed. A Record Form conveniently provides all the materials needed to administer and score the instrument.
Although the measure includes questions regarding orientation to time and place that are found in most mental status instruments, the NAB Orientation Test has the distinct advantage of being co-normed with the full Neuropsychological Assessment Battery. Additionally, unlike similar measures that provide only one overall score for orientation, the NAB Orientation Test provides four descriptive scores for each facet of orientation (self, place, time and situation).
The detailed Record Form guides examiners through the measure and provides optimum portability.
Excellent for use as a screening measure prior to further assessment, the NAB Orientation Test can be used in a variety of settings to quickly assess disorientation.
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