Wellcomm: Revised Edition wellcomm-revised-ed
For: The complete speech and language toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years
Ages: 6 months to 6 years
Format: Paper-and-Pencil
Scoring: Hand Scored; online report and scoring wizard (optional)
Printed Kits
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WellComm Early Years Toolkit incl Wizard
A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years
Ideal as an initial screening tool, the WellComm Toolkit provides a complete speech and language toolkit that may be used by all Early Years practitioners. With 1 in 10 children under 5 years of age experiencing some degree of difficulty in learning language and communication skills, early identification is crucial. To help achieve this, WellComm Toolkit’s clear and easy-to-use record forms enable the screening process to be carried out quickly and efficiently.
What’s new in the Revised Edition?
Improved scoring and reporting tool (newly developed and delivered via TRS).
Reports which enable progress to be measured between assessment points.
Short films modelling positive language development for parents.
Updated chapter on the educational context.
Improved artwork. Users of the original edition may continue using the original Picture Book.
An individual assessment developed in collaboration with leading practitioners at the Sandwell Primary Care Trust, the WellComm Toolkit is suitable for children aged 6 months to 6 years. The toolkit deploys a unique traffic light system that clearly identifies children requiring immediate intervention, as well as those who show potential language difficulties. The innovative system has the additional benefit of banding children by placing them into one of three categories, thus enabling the practitioner to proactively respond to any needs identified:
Red = consider referral to a specialist service for further advice/assessment
Amber = extra support and intervention required
Green = no intervention currently required
The Big Book of Ideas provides practitioners with over 150 bespoke intervention activities to meet individual needs as identified through the screening process. The activities are designed to be fun, engaging and appropriate for use with both individual children and groups across the entire age range. They also provide a helpful guide for parents to support their childs development at home. All activities are photocopiable and may be printed from the Resources CD that is included in the WellComm Toolkit.
The WellComm Toolkit Report Wizard
A useful add-on to the WellComm Toolkit comes in the form of the Online Report Wizard, an online tool that enables both large and small organisations, including Local Authorities, to monitor and evaluate the progress made by children using the WellComm Toolkit. It is available at an additional cost.
Why use the WellComm Toolkit?
The WellComm Toolkit is suitable for use by non-specialist early years professionals in identifying children who need immediate referral and support.
The WellComm Toolkit provides tailored intervention activities that can help improve language skills, whatever the age or ability of the child.
It is ideal for screening childrens communication skills on entrance to school at 5 years of age.
The assessment monitors the levels of childrens speech and language as interventions are introduced, allowing the evaluation of their impact.
It ensures each child receives the exact support and intervention they need.
It helps reduce unnecessary and costly referrals to local speech and language therapy services.
The WellComm Toolkit has been tested and trialled on over 7,000 children in the Sandwell Local Authority.
The comprehensive WellComm Toolkit contains three main elements, along side a Carry Bag:
The Screening Tool:
The Handbook
The Little Book of Score Sheets and Rules
The Big Book of Ideas
The Picture Book
The Supporting Language at Home CD
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