Authors Jason Brandt, PhD, Ralph H. B. Benedict, PhD Description THE HVLT-R offers a brief assessment of verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall) for individuals 16 years and older. It is easy to administer and score and is well-tolerated even by significantly impaired individuals....
Author C. Keith Conners, PhD. Description The K-CPT V.5 program assesses attention problems in young pre-school-age children. Based on the CPT II V.5, the K-CPT V.5 is half the length, making it more appropriate for children of this age group. Pictures of objects are used...
Author Leigh Silverton, Ph.D. Description Here is an invaluable tool for clinicians who must assess the possibility of malingering. This brief self-report inventory gives you a quick, convenient and cost-effective way to determine the likelihood that an individual is exaggerating claims of mental illness. Research...
Authors Anita M. Hubley, Ph.D. and Tom N. Tombaugh, Ph.D Description The MTOA asseses verbal and visuospatial learning and memory in older adults. It is used in mental health and primary care settings to assess a patient's degree and type of memory impairment (eg genuine...
Author David J. Schretlen, PhD Description The M-WCST is a modification of the original Wisconsin Card Sorting Test that eliminates all cards from the original 128-card deck that share more than one attribute with a stimulus card (e.g. each response card whose stimuli match a...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description The NAB Auditory Comprehension Test was created to highlight deficits in auditory comprehension. Created to be a comprehensive assessment of auditory comprehension, the measure incorporates most of the previously existing methods of assessment, including asking...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description Now available as a self-contained instrument, the NAB Categories Test is a classification and categorisation task designed to evaluate concept formation, cognitive response set, mental flexibility, novel problem solving, and generativity. One of the tests...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description Now available as a stand-alone assessment, the NAB Design Construction Test represents an important tool in identifying difficulties with visuoconstruction associated with a variety of disorders. The measure evaluates difficulties with visuoconstruction through a brief...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description Previously available only as part of the NAB Attention Module, the NAB Digits Forward/Digits Backward Test is now available as an independent assessment. Administration is brief and straightforward, involving the oral presentation of spans of...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description One of the tests that make up the NAB Executive Functions Module, the NAB Mazes Test now is available as an independent assessment. The NAB Mazes Test measures planning and foresight--aspects of executive function that...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description Now available as a complete stand-alone kit, the NAB Memory Module measures explicit verbal and visual learning and memory through four primary tests: (a) List Learning, (b) Shape Learning, (c) Story Learning, and (d) Daily...
Authors Robert A. Stern, PhD and Travis White, PhD Description Formerly available only as part of the NAB Language Module, the NAB Naming Test is now available as a stand-alone assessment. This instrument is designed to highlight deficits in visual confrontation naming skills and to identify aphasia....