Contact PAA today to establish your PARiConnect online account for administration, scoring and reporting. Author Robert M. Roth, PhD, Peter K. Isquith, PhD, Gerard A. Gioia, PhD Description The BRIEF-A is a standardised measure that captures views of an adult's executive functions or self-regulation in his...
Level A, B, C, M
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function - Preschool Version
Related Products BRIEF 2 BRIEF-A BRIEF-A-SP BRIEF-P-SP Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Authors Gerard A. Gilia, PhD, Kimberly Andres Espy, PhD, Peter K. Isquith, PhD Description The observations of parents and teachers provide a...
Level A, B
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition
Related Products BRIEF-A BRIEF-P Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Authors Gerard A. Gioia, PhD; Peter K. Isquith, PhD; Steven C Guy, PhD; and Lauren Kenworthy, PhD The BRIEF 2 Interpretive Guide The BRIEF...
Level A, B, M
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised
Author Ralph H. B. Benedict, PhD, ABCN Description The BVMT-R is designed for use as a criterion measure of visuospatial memory within a large battery of neuropsychological tests, as a screening measure within a brief neuropsychological battery and as a repeat measure to document changes...
Level A, M
Calibrated Neuropsychological Normative System
Authors David J. Schretlen, PhD, S. Marc Testa, PhD, and Godfrey D. Pearlson, MD Description The CNNS is designed to assist clinicians and researchers in their interpretation of the tests that make up its normative system. Raw scores are used to generate scaled scores, T...
Level B, M
Career Thoughts Inventory
Authors James P. Sampson, Jr., PhD, Gary W. Peterson, PhD, Janet G. Lenz, PhD, Robert C. Reardon, PhD, and Denise E. Saunders, PhD Description The CTI is a self-administered and objectively scored assessment designed to improve the effectiveness of career counselling and guidance for adults,...
Level B, M
Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale®
Assess a child or youth’s day-to-day functioning and track changes over time Overview The CAFAS® is the gold standard tool for assessing a youth's day-to-day functioning and for tracking changes in functioning over time. The CAFAS is backed by over 20 years of research supporting...
Level C, M
Child and Adolescent Memory Profile
Authors Elisabeth M.S. Sherman, PhD, and Brian L. Brooks, PhD Description The ChAMP is a norm-referenced test of memory for use with children, adolescents, and young adults that allows both in-depth memory evaluation and memory screening. Features and benefits Based on the latest neuroscience research...
Level A, M
Child Sexual Behaviour Inventory
Author William N. Friedrich, PhD, ABPP Description The CSBI is a parent report (mother or primary female caregiver) measure of sexual behaviour in children aged between 2-12 years. It is intended for use with children who have been or who may have been sexually abused. The...
Level B, M