Authors Ken C. Winters, Ph.D. and George A. Henly, Ph.D. Description The PEI helps you identify, refer and treat teenagers with drug and alcohol problems. It is particularly useful because it covers all forms of substance abuse, assesses both chemical involvement and related psychosocial problems,...
Author Ken C. Winters, Ph.D. Description This self-report inventory provides comprehensive information about substance abuse patterns in adults (ages 19 or older). It may be used to identify alcohol and drug problems, make referrals, and plan treatment. And, because substance abuse rarely occurs in isolation, the...
***New - PAI Plus software update available now*** PAI® Plus available via PARiConnect online scoring and PAI scoring software update! The PAI Plus takes the existing PAI items and gives users an updated way to interpret the data. Using the PAI, an objective inventory of...
Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products PAI/PAI Plus PAI-SP PAI-A (Adolescent) PAI-A SP Description Based on the PAI, the PAI-CS is a computer-generated interpretive report designed to assist correctional psychologists and staff...
***New - PAI Plus software update available now*** PAI® Plus available via PARiConnect online scoring and PAI scoring software update! Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products: PAI/PAI Plus PAI-A (Adolescent) PAI-A SP...
Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products PAI PAI-A SP(Software Portfolio) is used to score and interpret PAI-A results, the PAI-A SP provides comprehensive and accurate Clinical Interpretive Reports based on on-screen administration...
Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products PAI-A Manuals, Kits and Hand scoring materials PAI / PAI Plus PAI-SP PAI-CS (Correctional Settings) Description The PAI-A SP is used to score and interpret the...
Author Leslie C. Morey, PhD Description Derived from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), the PAS is designed for use as a triage instrument in most health care and mental health settings, as well as in corporate EAPs and college health services. The 22-item test may be...
Contact PAA today to establish your WPS Online Evaluation System Account for online testing and reporting. Authors Kathleen T. Williams, PhD Description The new Phonological and Print Awareness Scale (PPA Scale) measures early literacy skills and allows examiners to track the development of these skills...
Authors Ellen V. Piers, PhD, Shirag K. Shemmassian, PhD, and David S. Herzberg, PhD Description The Piers-Harris 3 quickly measures self-concept in children, adolescents, and young adults, and identifies individuals who need further testing or treatment. While retaining core features of the widely used Piers-Harris...
Determine day-to-day functioning across critical life domains and whether functioning improves over time Overview The PECFAS® was developed from the CAFAS® and can be used for children as young as 3 years old and up to 7 years of age. Determines day-to-day functioning across critical...
Author Jay Schneller, PhD Description The PETRA is a 60-item, self-report psychosocial assessment instrument for use with adolescents ages 11-18 years who exhibit threatening behaviour. Following a threat of violence, the PETRA allows for an analysis of the context of psychosocial, social, and ecological factors...