Authors Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD, Robert R. McCrae, PhD Description The NEO-4 provides information on four personality domains: Extroversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. It is designed for use in employment and personal counselling settings involving activities such as career counselling, career development,...
Level B, M

Overeating Questionnaire

Authors William E. O'Donnell, Ph.D., MPH and W. L. Warren, Ph.D. Description Recent surveys indicate that nearly half of all American children are overweight. Whilst most instruments related to eating behaviour focus on bulimia and anorexia, the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ) measures key habits, thoughts and...
Level B, M

Personal Experience Inventory for Adults

Author Ken C. Winters, Ph.D. Description This self-report inventory provides comprehensive information about substance abuse patterns in adults (ages 19 or older). It may be used to identify alcohol and drug problems, make referrals, and plan treatment. And, because substance abuse rarely occurs in isolation, the...
Level A, M

Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) Software Portfolio

***New - PAI Plus software update available now*** PAI® Plus available via PARiConnect online scoring and PAI scoring software update! Contact PAA today to set up your PARiConnect online account to utilise online administration, scoring and reporting. Related Products: PAI/PAI Plus PAI-A (Adolescent) PAI-A SP...
Level A

Quality of Life Questionnaire

Contact PAA today to establish you MHS Scoring Organiser online account! Authors David Evans, Ph.D. and Wendy Cope, M.A. Description The Quality of Life Questionnaire measures the relationship between a client's qualify of life and other behaviours or afflictions, such as physical health, psychological health and alcohol...
Level B, M

Survey of Pain Attitudes

Author Mark P. Jensen, PhD and Paul Karoly, PhD Description Research conducted over the past decade indicates that patients' attitudes and beliefs about pain play a key role in their adjustment and treatment outcome. The SOPA was designed to assist clinicians in the understanding of...
Level B, M

Test of General Reasoning Ability

Contact PAA today to establish you PARiConnect account for online administration, scoring and reporting. Author Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD Description The TOGRA is a speeded measure of reasoning ability and problem-solving skills designed for individual or group administration. Features and Benefits As a result of...
Level B, M

Work Values Inventory

Authors Melissa A. Messer, MHS, and Jennifer A. Greene, MSPH Description The WVI is a self-administered, self-scored and self-interpreted measure of six workplace values. It is a career exploration and job selection tool that helps career counsellors and human resource professionals. Administer using paper and...
Level C, M

Working Styles Assessment

Author Melissa A. Messer, MHS and Heather Ureksoy, PhD Description The WSA assesses a person’s work-related personality traits—the traits that are related to effective job performance. Features and Benefits Helps individuals gain a better understanding of their personal work preferences and how they approach a...
Level A, M