Authors Robert K. Heaton, PhD, PAR Staff Description This unlimited-use software is designed to help you administer and score the 64-card version of the WCST. The WCST-64:CV2 has been updated to make the software easier to use. The reports are more visually attractive and easier...
A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years Ideal as an initial screening tool, the WellComm Toolkit provides a complete speech and language toolkit that may be used by all Early Years practitioners. With 1 in 10 children under 5 years...
Author David A. Grant, PhD and Esta A. Berg, PhD Description Although the WCST is used primarily to assess perseveration and abstract thinking, it has gained increasing popularity as a neuropsychological instrument. It has been considered a measure of executive function because of its reported...
Authors DVD by Susan K. Kongs; Workbook by Susan K. Kongs and Laetitia L. Thompson, PhD Description Now in DVD format, this DVD and workbook package provides detailed training in the standardised administration and WCST scoring procedures developed by Dr. Robert K. Heaton. This training...
Author Susan K. Kongs, Laetitia L Thompson, PhD, Grant L. Iverson, PhD, Robert K. Heaton, PhD Description The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) has been widely used with many different patient groups ages 6.5 to 89 years. Recently, concerns for patient comfort, managed care, and...
Authors Robert K. Heaton, PhD, PAR Staff Description This unlimited-use software is designed to assist you in administering and scoring the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The reports are more visually attractive and easier to read than reports generated by earlier versions of the software....
Authors Fredrick A. Schrank * Kevin S. McGrew * Nancy Mather Description A trusted, ground-breaking leader in individually administered assessments, the new Woodcock Johnson Fourth Edition (WJ IV) - Australasian Adaptation is now available. The WJ IV comprehensive system offers the ease of use and...
Authors Melissa A. Messer, MHS, and Jennifer A. Greene, MSPH Description The WVI is a self-administered, self-scored and self-interpreted measure of six workplace values. It is a career exploration and job selection tool that helps career counsellors and human resource professionals. Administer using paper and...
Author Melissa A. Messer, MHS and Heather Ureksoy, PhD Description The WSA assesses a person’s work-related personality traits—the traits that are related to effective job performance. Features and Benefits Helps individuals gain a better understanding of their personal work preferences and how they approach a...
AUSTRALIAN EDITION - PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2012 The York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) - Australian Edition, enables teachers to assess the reading and comprehension skills of children ages 5 to 18 years. It is ideal for following up at an individual level after group...