
Access your favourite PAR instruments through the convenience of a secure, easy-to-use online assessment platform!
New to PARiConnect? Assign and administer assessments, run score and interpretive reports, keep track of client data. Everything you need to simplify your assessment process and save time is just a click away. Administer Assessments in person or send a link to clients to complete the assessment remotely. Reports are immediately available. Let PAA to help you set up your new PARiConnect online account.
Don’t have a PARiConnect online account yet?
Please allow 24 – 48 hours for your new PARiConnect account to be set up.
USING YOUR pariconnect online ACCOUNT
The PARiConnect account has a fantastic range of popular assessments including the PAI, BRIEF-2; Parent Stress Inventory, ChAMP; TSI-2; EDI-3; NEO and FrSBe, etc. Manuals for individual assessments are available in electronic form via your PARiConnect account. Read more about e-Manuals.
PAA can get you set up within 24 – 48 hours. Just fill in the below form and leave the rest with us. You will receive log in and password details from PAR (USA) within 24 hours. Once you first log in to your PARiConnect account you will be able to access your purchased test administrations and reports. When you run low on your assessments, just purchase your PARiConnect test administrations (i-Admins) and reports via PAA website or by phone during business hours. New inventory will be available in your PARiConnect account within 24 hours.
Already have a PARiConnect online account?

Generally, you will need to purchase both test administrations (i-Admins) and test reports separately. However, if you use paper and pencil administrations, you only need to purchase reports, which are generated from data manually entered into your PARiConnect from paper forms. For some tests, there are different reports available, such as profile reports (scores only) or interpretive reports (scores plus narrative interpretation).
There is a minimum purchase of 5 test administrations and/or 5 reports for each test administration or report type.